Welcome to Auldshaman's World!
I'm interested in many things in this big world we all live in. It seems that there is no end to the stupidity of the religious nut cases out there.
Ray Comfort has stated that the Christian god is missing from our schools and that's why the recent shootings happened. He blames this on Dawkins and Hitchens. What he failed to do is research some school violence history. There have been lots of school shootings before either one was even born. I'm curious about where their god was back then.
Bryan Fischer claims that we kicked god out of our schools and, since this god is a gentleman, he won't go where he's not wanted. Does that mean that this god wouldn't be at any event where a prayer isn't offered? Since the Christian god is a bloodthirsty goon, I would have rather thought that it would have enjoyed all the bloodshed in Newtown.
How about we try to fix the psychiatric problems in America. Yes, guns make it easier to be violent; but, it's not the gun's fault. Yes, the gun allows for violence from a distance; but, a crazy person will find a way to commit a crime. Bombs, poison or running people down with a car are just a few.
Lastly, banning assault style weapons is a mistake. There are lots of semi-automatic rifles that don't look like an assault rifle but still fire the same bullets. Before supporting a ban, educate yourself about what the gun does, eh?
More to come...
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