Thursday, February 28, 2013

After Religion

After Religion

Some of us are late bloomers.  Some never believed.  Some shed the chains and fear of religion through a long painful process.  No matter which category a person happens to fall under, one thing is happily obvious.  They are free!

Free to breathe deeply!  Free to see colors more clearly and free to 'smell the roses'!

When I was under the hypnotic spell of religion, I didn't know I wasn't seeing the world as it really appears.  My senses were dulled with the 'love of God' and I walked the Earth without realizing that there is so much beauty out there.  So much beautiful noise and smells and tastes and.....feelings!

Even ugly can be beautiful when the blinders of faith are stripped away.  Those blinders are prejudice and isolation.  They keep the faithful from really seeing the world for what it is.  They keep the believer from seeing that this world and this life is all we have.  A follower lives this life as if there's a much more beautiful one waiting just the other side of death's door.  A life lived as if it's a practice run, is a wasted existence.

The Earth is so magnificent, full of colors, sounds and smells.  The joy of sharing love with another human being is beyond compare.  The sheer pleasure of making love cannot be surpassed.  How can you watch a bird build a nest or marvel at the blossoming of a rose and not be close to tears?

Bottom line: When you are freed of the bonds, you feel like a kid again.

Don't ever lose that feeling, even on your deathbed.  Who knows when the adventure will end?

Walk the Path in Grace

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Call Phone to God?

Cell Phone to God?

The Roman Catholic Church and others use a confessional booth so that members of the flock can seek forgiveness while pretending to not be seen. I’ve never understood the need for this subterfuge because the priest knows who you are and anyone can see you going into the booth.

I know, it’s ritual and has been part of the church for centuries.  “Bless me Father for I have sinned…” and all that.  Imagine you can step into a claustrophobic phone booth and dial up this god through a medium.  And, you can admit to the most heinous of crimes with no fear of legal reprisal.  The priest is forbidden to tell anyone even if you tell him you’re gonna kill someone.  Where’s the social responsibility of that?

You might end up doing a few “Hail Mary’s” and some other prayers but for society’s needs, there is nothing coming.  You ever wonder how many criminals are roaming the halls of St. Peter’s or your local Saint Mary’s churches and they don’t have to worry about jail or court?  It’s a perfect protection scheme.  “No harm done, young man. Say a few prayers and we’ll forget all about the money you stole from old Mrs. Grogan. She only eats cat food anyway and I’ll give her some to tide her over until her next pension check comes in.  Now, be on your way and sin no more (until the next time).”

Here’s the rub:  They worship an omniscient, omnipresent and omni-benevolent supernatural being. The pray to this ever present god and then sin the next day.
Now, the being is supposed to know everything, even the smallest thing like a sparrow falling from the sky.

Why do they need to confess to another human being when this god is supposed to know everything before it happens?

Do you get the picture? If this god is everywhere and can see everything you do, and can hear your prayers, even when you only think them, why in hell do you need to whisper them to a priest?

Where is the disconnect? Is the phone connection so bad that between your mouth and god’s ear that you need to whisper all your dirty little sex secret to a priest?  Does this god have a hearing problem or does the priest translate what you say into ‘godese’?

And, as we’re finding out, some of the priests get off on it.  Maybe we should just get rid of the go between and talk directly to this god.  Course, you just might not get an answer.

Walk the Path in Grace

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who Has the Right to Judge You?

Who Has The Right To Judge You?

In America, for as long as I can remember, someone has been eager to call me a sinner.  “You’ll go to hell for not minding your mother.”  “You will burn for eternity for hitting your sister!”  “If you break the law, hell awaits.”  And the best one, “It’s a sin to masterbate and you will go to hell.”

My responses have changed over the years but I’ve always rejected sin and hell.  Maybe my Bull Shit sensor has always been tuned to this particular threat or maybe I just hear my own drum.  Doesn’t matter.

Here’s the rub: Where do people, especially after you’ve become an adult, think they have a right to judge your acts and belief system?  Who delegated to them the job of sin police?  I’d like to see the badge.

The Bible or Quran is nothing more than a list of things a believer isn’t supposed to do.  While at other times, they are a list of immoral things that are allowed.

I reject those books as any guide for living my life and openly oppose the label of sinner.

Never trust anyone who tells you you're a sinner. Their moral compass is pointing to the Bronze Age.

Walk the Path in Grace

Ignorance vs. Stupidity

Ignorance vs. Stupidity

We face, in this new century, a burgeoning world population which is straining the very backbone of our survival. China is polluting its own drinking water so much that 'cancer villages' are showing up by the hundreds. Eastern Europe is now the smoking capital of the world. There are billions of tons of trash floating in the Pacific Ocean.

And, over that, there is religious strife that is threatening war on almost every continent.  We read of a rape victim, yes I said victim, who is executed for being raped.  That's right, she was executed!

Religious zealots will stop at nothing to have their own beliefs taught to our children whether we approve of it or not.  And, in the same breath, they will fight to stop someone else's beliefs taught along side theirs.

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." - Socrates  I wish Socrates hadn't used the word ignorance. I think the greater evil is stupidity.  Ignorance is simply defined as 'not knowing'. 

I can live with ignorant people around me. I only ask that they try to learn before commenting or acting on something. Most ignorant people will at least listen to you if you can express the new information at their level.

Here's the problem: The stupid are among us, too.  Stupidity simply defined is 'not knowing and not caring if they know'.  How can someone live their lives and not care if what they think they know is accurate?

Imagine that! Saying, "I don't care if what I know is right! I'm happy this way!"

"Don't know vs. Don't want to know what's real." Is this the future of mankind?

Walk the Path in Grace

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Question for Christians

A Question for Christians

Having very smug opinions about their creator, Chrisitans will brag about the all-knowing, all-powerful and all-benevolent god.  They gush over how just and forgiving it is while watching friends die in tornadoes, accidents and such.  They see an entire town destroyed but proclaim a miracle when a baby somehow survives.

A quarter million people die in a tsunami and all the church leaders can talk about is how generous their god is to allow 10 survivors of a train that turned over in the waves.

So, here’s the question thanks to Rosa Rubicondor: Christians, when you pray to your god to stop a wrong, is it because it doesn't know it's happening or because it doesn't know it's wrong?

Does an omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent being who aledgedly created the universe not know when something is wrong in its creation?  Does this same being not know when a wrong is being done?

This god must surely know everything if what the believers say is true.  If it doesn’t know something wrong is happening, then it isn’t omniscient.  If it doesn’t know something is wrong, then it’s a sociopath and lacks empathy for its creations.  And most important, if it knows it’s wrong and does nothing, the god is malevolent.

Who wants to worship that?

Walk the Path in Grace.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The F - Bomb

The F-Bomb

There are few words that mean less to a Christian than the 'F-Bomb'.  They fling it about haphazardly and with abandon.  People who are targeted with it don't feel offended and yet they know it's meaningless.  And, quite often, the 'Bomb' is dropped either silently or just under the targets hearing range.  Either way, they walk away feeling superior and the recipient is none the wiser.

What's the 'F-Bomb" you ask?  Why it's "I forgive you" or a variant thereof.  There is a post on YouTube from Moxnews about Cardinal Roger Mahoney called "If YOU Touch Your Wee Wee It's A Mortal Sin But If A Priest Touches Your Wee Wee It's A Mistake".  (Go to 

Cardinal Mahoney has been humiliated by angry people of late for being accused of covering up for pedaphile priest during his long, long career in the Catholic Church.  

And the Cardinal's response is, wait for it, "I forgive you."  HUH?!?!?

He has the balls to say "I forgive you." to people who've been criminally abused!  Imagine that!  Why would the victim of a heinous crime have the need of forgiveness?

Which brings me to the subject of this post.  Christians are very generous with their forgiveness.  They will forgive you for walking in front of you and your response is "Hey, watch where you're going!"  They will forgive you for pointing out that they've just run a red light and your car's horn suddenly springs to life. They will forgive you for challenging their ridiculous belief system and sleep soundly knowing they've done 'the Christian thing'.

Ever come across a selfish, hogheaded Christian who thinks they own the world because their religion is the only way to live? 

Maybe they should be seeking forgiveness for themselves instead. Let's get Cardinal Roger Mahoney to the front of the line.

Walk the Path in Grace

Monday, February 18, 2013

Religion: The Biggest Con

Religion: The Biggest Con <!

I’ve often wondered how anyone with half a brain could follow any religion.  It has to be the biggest con game in human history.  It must have started out in the caves with one guy having a piece of meat and another guy wanting it.  Here’s the conversation:

Og: You have meat.  Me want.

Narg: Is my meat. You get your own.

Og: Meat is bad. Will make you die.

Narg: I just kill deer. Meat is still fresh.

Og: Me smell bad meat. You give me 10%. I make meat good again.

Narg: Really? You make meat good again?

Og: Me have power. You give me tithe, I make meat better than good.

Suddenly a huge coincidental clap of thunder from outside the cave is heard.

Narg: Here, you take half of meat.  Protect Narg from roaring god outside cave.

Og: Okay, you safe from roaring god.  Bless you my caveman.

Narg then goes outside the cave to relieve himself and is struck dead by a lightning bolt.

Og: (to the other cavemen) Narg a bad person. His evil thoughts make roaring god not like Narg.  Narg punished for not sharing meat right away.

Og grew fat and lazy for the rest of his life.

Hasn’t changed much since then.

Walk the Path in Grace



In a recent Tweet JamesL tweeted: If you challenge an atheist, you will get an answer. If you challenge a theist, you will get a condemnation!

We see this played out on a daily basis with theists blocking and condemning as spam when they sense any challenge at all to their faith.  This cost a user a suspension of Twitter rights. As it turns out, there is a concerted effort by theists to try to damage atheism by these actions.

But, in reality, who does it really damage? An atheist can just make another account and keep going until the suspension is lifted. On the other hand, the theist has damaged his/her own faith in two ways.

First, the integrity of their belief system has been comprimised by violating the 'turn the other cheek' principle.  Turning the other cheek has been preached since Christianity first appeared on the planet. 

Second, they've violated a more important religious instruction of being ready to answer any and all questions about the Bible (see 1 Peter 3:15). If the Bible is to be taken seriously by its users, every instruction must be followed. I wonder it they're opening themselves up to eternal damnation.  A Tweeter might be well served if they remind the theist of this early in the conversation or a fellow Tweeter might use 1 Peter 3:15 when coming to the aid of the suspended atheist.

Getting someone suspended really shows what the Christian is made of.  A ruthless, selfish and totally unChristian way of life.  It simply HAS to be caused by a deep seated disbelief of their own religion.

So, my fellow atheists, keep answering the questions and continue to pressure the theist whenever you can, you just might de-convert some of them.  What fun!
      Walk the Path in Grace

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What's the Life Expectancy of a God?

What’s the life expectancy of a god?

Gods appear to be mortal.  I know that’s a shock to you but; when you think of it, they tend to die a very slow death and fade into myth.  If no one believes in them, they die.

Some deities have been around for over 4,000 years and are still worshipped. The Hindu god Shiva is among the oldest.  Others, however, had much shorter lives and are now considered dead.

Alive or dead, they still have the same powers (none).

There have been thousands of gods that we now give over to myth.  Maybe mythology is purgatory for gods.  Either way, all gods will eventually end up as myths and I think our knowledge is sufficient that no more gods will be created.

Without gods, we can finally start healing more of the sick, provide food for the starving and maybe even stop war.
Time will tell.

Walk the Path in Grace

The Bible: All or Some

The Bible: All or Some

Has anyone ever said to you, "I believe in some of the Bible." or "Most of the Bible makes sense."?

Isn't the major tenet of religion that the belief in ALL of the holy book is mandatory?

We all know "religious" people who cherry pick their holy book for the good stuff and ignore the uncomfortable just to allow themselves to feel good about it.  It's denial at its worst.

I worked with a true believer some years ago. He didn't believe in science and medicine.  Instead, he prayed.  He got a small infection on the side of his neck that would have been easily treated and I begged him to get help.  His answer was, "God will take care of me."  He died for his convictions and I begrudgingly have to respect him for that.

Respecting him for how he handled his adult life is one thing, but I draw the line at people who don't allow medical treatment for their children. How many innocents die when medicine could have easily saved them.  Yes, the parents are, in their own mind, true believers and it seems inconsistent of me to berate them.  I see a parent as a guardian of their children but the unchanging and unaware nature of religion reduces their kids to property.  And worse, property of a god, no less.

Now back to the cherry pickers.  Many religious people will tell you of the good acts that they do.  Many will say that their god works in mysterious ways.  But when asked about why their god allows so much suffering, they retreat to platitudes and mumbo jumbo.

They ignore the unpleasant parts of the holy book like slavery, incest, rape, infanticide and more.  None of these things have been prohibited by any newer text that they profess belief in.  So, when you ask them why they don't do those things, they will tell you it's immoral.  And yet, they will tell you in the next sentence that morality comes from their god.

It leaves me with scars from scratching my head.

Walk the Path in Grace

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How To Prove Any God Exists

Many believers have asked non-believers to prove that their god does not exist. Shock of God has been the most vocal of YouTubers in the past but there are many others.

A semi-scientific experiment could be devised that might just settle the argument.  What better way to prove or disprove the concept?

The Christian Bible says ask and you shall receive so here's my suggestion:

Create a video with a challenge to 10 believers who could pray to their god for something that is material and can be witnessed to have happened.  The prayer would be of the believer's choice and approved by the challenger (atheist) beforehand.  The prayer would be on camera and so would the result.  Give the god 30 minutes to respond.  If any of the prayers are answered, then proof of that god could be claimed.  If not, well?

Of course, the believer will just resort to the "mysterious ways" retort but that's okay, it just proves that faith is stronger than reason for some believers.

Your thoughts?
Walk the Path in Grace

Friday, February 8, 2013

Threats from Christians

Threats From Christians

When talking to non-believers and possible converts, Christians are ruthless.  They will stop at nothing to intimidate people.  Creating fear.  Using dependency as the key.

There was a song back in the 60’s that said pushers and preachers were just the same.  “They are both selling highs.”  That’s so close to reality, it isn’t funny.

Their highest card in their deck is the ‘death’ card.  They play that one when everything else has failed.  It’s intended to reach deeply into your psyche and bring the fear of death under their control because they promise eternal life after we slip the bonds of Earthly existence.  In my opinion, eternal existence groveling and scraping to a god is untenable.  There would be no free will and, after the first million years or so, the boredom would be torture.  Our Earthly behavior would never work in heaven.  Our conduct would have to highly modified to fit in there and we would no longer be the person we were on Earth.

The religious threat of eternal death means nothing to an atheist.  Of course, we all fear death.  It’s a universal fact in most living things with a functioning brain.  Even insects try to avoid death and humans are no different. 

Here’s the rub:  From conception, we are already going to die.  Thanks to SandyAtheist@sandy1471  for this question: So the question to the theist is, why do you use death as a scare tactic when we were dying before we were born?

Every living thing on Earth will eventually die and, once you get past that fear, life can be so much more rewarding.  Every minute becomes precious instead of a practice run for eternity. 

When they try to intimidate you with this threat, tell them that you are getting the most from this one precious life right now.  Tell them that they are wasting that precious time in a lie.  Tell them that their efforts to gain eternal life have them in a prison with no hope of parole unless they reject the indoctrination.

Tell them to break free before it’s too late.  And, most of all, tell them you understand that they are weak and don’t have the courage to tell their god to go to hell.

Walk the Path in Grace

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why do we say, "I've lost my faith."?  We don't say, "I've lost my addiction to cigarettes." or, "I've lost my dependency on pain killers."

Yes, we lose something when faith is gone.  But, losing faith means something more. Sometimes it's taken away, sometimes it's betrayal that causes it and sometimes it's a rejection of it; but, whatever the cause it's not because it's been lost.  Destroyed, yes. Stolen, yes.  Rejected, certainly.

We lose the unnatural dependency on something imaginary.  We intentionally throw off the bonds of a dogma that is controlling and hurtful.  Our minds are free of the dangerous and damaging environment that keeps us from growing.

There may have been a time when mankind needed to believe but that time has passed away.  But, as religion grew, the conman in us began to see that there was great power and riches in controlling the masses.  Just ask the Pope if he would give up the control of millions of people if he could make the world a better place for it. 

The Dark Ages prove that faith, and the control of it, can hold the human race from improving itself.  The growing atheism movement is the beginning of the end for religion and the churches will not go quietly into the night.

It's a lie when some one says, "We got to the moon by faith."  It's untrue when someone says, "You must have faith to succeed."

Don't let these, so called, believers attempt to say that 'losing your faith' will send you to a punishment from a loving god.  These hypocrites know they don't really believe it and only pretend to because the church has terrorized them all their lives.  Don't allow your fear from previous indoctrination to sway you into a return to the prison that is religion.

Our very future as a species may depend on rejection of  faith and all that it entails.

Walk the Path in Grace






Monday, February 4, 2013

Atoms to Atoms

We start out as atoms and we return to the universe as atoms. Our lives are forever intertwined with our mother, the Universe.

Lawrence Krause has said that there is an atom from one star in your left hand and an atom from another star in your right.  He also says that when we drink a glass of water, we are probably drinking an atom of water that Winston Churchill had consumed.  How it got back out is entirely another story.

Carl Sagan used the phrase, “We are made of star stuff.”  And, it’s true.  The only way the heavier elements exist is from a star exploding in a Super Nova. We are comprised of elements that can only be made that way and without Super Novi we would not be here.

Here’s the thing:  Human beings have been around for 250,000 years (approx.) and maybe more.  And many have come and gone.  Probably 50 billion. Their elements are still here in the Earth.  In a sense, every human being that ever existed is still here, around us and in us.  And, when we die, we will join them for eternity.  Mixing in, fitting in, forever loved.

So, if I may, I’d like to turn Sagan’s phrase around, “Eventually, every star will be made of people stuff.”  I know that I’ll be happy there.

Walk the Path in Grace
Herding Cats

Atheists are as different from each other as anyone can imagine. We come in all stripes and the only tenet is that we don’t believe in a deity.  Some are naturalists, some are feminists, and some are pro-choice while others are pro-life.  Most are just people who have found that for a myriad of reasons, they no longer believe in any god.

Quite a few have developed a hatred for religion and would like to see it forcefully eliminated from the planet.  Religion is responsible for so much suffering in the world and if religion were eliminated, much of the suffering could be conquered.

Atheists are difficult to get together because of the disparate beliefs and habits.  We are probably the most independent people in the world.  But, there’s a group of people on Twitter who are beginning to organize in a novel way.

They’ve been choosing the handles with the names of superheroes from television and comic books.  Don’t laugh!  I think it’s a brilliant idea.  It’s been said that trying to organize atheists is like trying to herd cats.  In case you don’t know, the term ‘trying to herd cats’ means it’s next to impossible.

With groups like Atheist X-Men, Atheist Justice League and Atheist Avengers; they can maintain a sense of brother/sisterhood.  They have handles like @Capt’n Atheist, @GammaAtheist, @IronAtheist and @ThinkingBeauty_,  just to name a few.  These people are from many countries and that gives them an advantage over local groups.  If they can organize, maybe we can get a worldwide force for good.

Atheism needs fresh ideas and fresh participants.  Like any social movement, atheism faces the dilemma of fading into obscurity unless it can be revitalized.  I welcome these new faces with their fresh ideas.  Let’s welcome them as they fight the good fight against religious bigotry and lies.

I hope they can formally organize like American Atheists ( or Secular Coalition for America (, just to name a couple.

If you’re a member of this group, congratulations.  Or want to be one, contact @Capt’n Atheist.

Good luck and good journey.

Walk the Path in Grace

Saturday, February 2, 2013

On Evolution

Although the religious will argue about this, evolution has been ongoing since the first life appeared on Earth.  The only way we, as a species, got here is from evolution.  One small change in an organism at a time with many false steps that got eliminated.  How many false starts on a species will never be known; but it has to be in the millions.

The tree of life makes lots of shade and there’s a huge pile of broken branches at its base.  So many chances to try new species.  Nature at its best!

Our own history is, as I understand it, just as complicated as any other species on the planet.  We, homo sapiens, probably killed off the Neanderthal before we made any rules about ‘thou shall not kill’ and all that.  When any two species compete for space, one has to lose.  Being animals, we probably never considered live and let live.  Animal nature just doesn’t work that way.

But now, we are aware enough and almost intelligent enough to consider our species future.  We have within our grasp a chance to conquer the animal within and control our own destiny.

Evolution has become aware of itself.  Imagine that!  An animal that can think has the power to mold our species, to make a difference.  Or, we can screw up just once and join all those other branches at the base of the tree of life.

I wonder which it will be.

Walk the Path in Grace