Monday, February 18, 2013

Religion: The Biggest Con

Religion: The Biggest Con <!

I’ve often wondered how anyone with half a brain could follow any religion.  It has to be the biggest con game in human history.  It must have started out in the caves with one guy having a piece of meat and another guy wanting it.  Here’s the conversation:

Og: You have meat.  Me want.

Narg: Is my meat. You get your own.

Og: Meat is bad. Will make you die.

Narg: I just kill deer. Meat is still fresh.

Og: Me smell bad meat. You give me 10%. I make meat good again.

Narg: Really? You make meat good again?

Og: Me have power. You give me tithe, I make meat better than good.

Suddenly a huge coincidental clap of thunder from outside the cave is heard.

Narg: Here, you take half of meat.  Protect Narg from roaring god outside cave.

Og: Okay, you safe from roaring god.  Bless you my caveman.

Narg then goes outside the cave to relieve himself and is struck dead by a lightning bolt.

Og: (to the other cavemen) Narg a bad person. His evil thoughts make roaring god not like Narg.  Narg punished for not sharing meat right away.

Og grew fat and lazy for the rest of his life.

Hasn’t changed much since then.

Walk the Path in Grace

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