Friday, May 31, 2013

My Anger

My Anger

My anger has been set on 'kill' lately and that's why I haven't written much.  Angry blogs are senseless and only make me feel better while making the reader 'turn off'.  So I'm trying to lower the anger to 'stun', instead.

My last post appealing to Muslims to take care of their own idiots was not received well by my few Muslim followers.  Although they admitted I was right, they couldn't get past blaming the US and the UK for foreign aide to Syria.  And, before that, it was Egypt.  And, earlier still, it was Israel.

Do you see the pattern?  It seems it's never the Muslims at fault for their own actions.  We all know that the actions of the worst few will be construed as the attitude of the rest of a population or religion.

One of the first things we learn as children is that we are responsible for our actions.  We get our hands slapped for stealing or being mean.  We don't touch a hot stove a second time.  All that.

And yet, we see the Muslim world acting like a very spoiled child who is NEVER responsible to the rest of society for bad behavior.

The non-Muslim world attempts to control the worst of us with prison or worse.  The Western world is polite and law abiding because of it.  We can walk most streets in relative safety.  Women can dress somewhat provocatively without fear of rape. Our children can play without risk of kidnapping. (Of course, there are dangers from the worst of us, but for the most part, the risk is minimal.)

Crime never touches the vast majority of the Western world.

Not so in the Muslim world.  It seems that the worst of them are celebrated. Bombing indiscriminately, killing nonbelievers, killing even those who believe in Allah who have slight differences of belief, raping girls without penalty ......ah ........the list goes on and on.  And, it's depressing to list all the things Muslims can do within their own countries without punishment.

I've asked Muslims why they don't take responsibility for their unacceptable actions and have received excuses.  So, I've decided to put the anger aside as it does me no good and has no effect on the Muslims.  I will continue to debate them with logic and reason, but I have no desire to be angry at anyone with the philosophy of a two year old child.

Here's my prediction: If the Muslim world does not discipline itself very soon, the Western world will be forced to do so.  Just like in 1941, we will be embroiled in a world war of unheard of ferocity.  We will consider it a war of disciplinary action while the Muslim world will judge it as a Holy War, just like a two year old would react.

Walk the Path in Grace

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