Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Childish Things

Childish Things

Growing up is very hard. Bills to pay, kids to raise. Time to put the games away and support your family.  We all go through it to some degree. 

Of course, some never do grow up.

1 Corinthians 13

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

When one looks at the Bible with non-believer's eyes, we see some very strange things.  I realize it's 2,000 year old stuff but, still, even when translated into modern language, it doesn't make much sense.

When we grow up, we cut the 'apron strings' that attach us to our parents and their attendant ways.  You are supposed to make decisions and act like a productive member of society.  Doesn't always work out, but you're supposed to try and that's most important.  Yes, I know about breaking the law but that's not my purpose here.

When we were children, we were taught to accept things like a child.  Believe what our parents believe or else.  We are dragged to church/synagogue before we can even formulate any thoughts and are indoctrinated into a belief system that is so flawed that it cannot stand on its own.

As we grow and begin to think, we are exposed to many beliefs other than those we've been trained to accept. All the social media that are available, no one can say they've never heard of atheism or non-belief.

So, to all the religious who may read this: It's time to put aside your childish beliefs of a god who loves you but never shows himself.  It's time to reject a god who will let thousands of people starve to death every week in Africa when a single thought could provide rain and seeds. It's time to tell your god to go to hell for creating Satan just so this same loving god can punish you for very minor infractions.

Please, I beg you, grow up and put this part of your childhood behind you!

Walk the Path in Grace

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