Thursday, April 11, 2013

What Harm Does It Do?


What religion are you? What god do you believe in? How important is your religion to you?

Ya know what? I really don't care.  You can worship the Sun or the Moon. You can pay homage to an oracle who lives in a cave.  Maybe fall to your knees for a god that has no name.

It doesn't matter to me who, what or whatever you worship.  Means absolutely nothing to me until....

Do you come to my door with, "Have you heard about Jesus?"? Do you post huge billboards proclaiming "My religion is the ONLY religion!"? Maybe you secretly put religious tracts in public schools.

Do you protest when someone who believes differently than you when they want to put their religious symbol in the public park at Christmas time?  Do you sue someone when they want to put up a billboard that challenges your god?  Do you sue a school board when they refuse to "teach the controversy"?

And worse, do you cut off a young girl's nose because she glanced at a young man? Do you picket a soldier's funeral with signs that say, "Thank God for killing soldiers!"? Do you move into a country, start an enclave of like minded people and then demand that the country obey the laws you brought with you?

And even worse, Do you kill your daughter because she wasn't a virgin on her wedding day?  Do you shoot a young girl for wanting to go to school? Is there a huge riot including killing when someone has the audacity to suggest that your holy book is going to be burned?

And now for the worst of it all.  Does your country bow down to this insanity instead of stopping it? Will the sane among you stop the religious bigotry?  When will your countrymen stand up and say, "Enough is enough! We will not tolerate violence and murder in the name of our religion!"?

I don't care what your religion means to you - I care about the harm is does to others.

Walk the Path in Grace

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