Saturday, March 9, 2013

Belonging To A Gang

Belonging to a Gang

When man first began to realize that teamwork was better than going it alone, the first gang was created.  We now call it a tribe but, if we could travel back there, we would see the same behavior then as we do now in gangs.

As time went by, tribes became larger and ‘citystates’ were born. Power in numbers was the rule of the day and still is.  Now we have tribes as large as whole countries and even larger when countries work together.

There are two ultra large gangs on Earth today.  Christians and Muslims.  Both wanting supremacy over the planet.

Humans are social creatures and have an innate need to be together in groups. Since the religion of a person is usually an accident of birthplace, the gang grows each time a baby is born.  Some become sheep and some become shepherds.  The gang’s sheep are usually harmless unless they are stimulated enough to go to war.  The really dangerous ones are the shepherds.  Some are so radical that they prowl on the perimeter of the gang causing untold misery.

We see shepherds in the Christian Catholic church in trouble now because they have become enamored of their own power.  The have violated their oath to humanity.  Their god is unimportant because the shepherds have discarded it.

We see the shepherds of the Muslim faith also creating unrest by teaching the sheep that anyone who isn’t a Muslim must be eliminated.  Training boys as young as eight years old to be a willing human sacrifice to get to heaven is a crime against humanity.  This heinous crime is beyond any societal limits.

Our need to belong to a group will force us to overlook the dark side of the tenets of these gangs just so we can belong.  Moderate Muslims will tell you their religion (gang) is one of peace.  The moderate Christian will tell you the same thing.

We non-believers cannot defeat these huge gangs unless we become a gang ourselves.  Yes, Christianity is dying as we speak but Islam must be broken and crushed. 

I urge every one who reads this to find a larger group to join and keep fighting the good fight.  I realize the atheism is usually an individual process and our inner strength lessens the need to be in a gang, but we need to band together.

Unfortunately, we need to resort to being a gang to defeat the other ones.
After that, you can go back to being the singular rebel that you are.

Walk the Path in Grace

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