Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Religious Liberty

Religious Liberty

In modern America, there's an upheaval going on about religious rights.  Believers, mostly Christian, are complaining about others criticizing their chosen belief system. 

"You are kicking God from the public square!" or "I can't display my religious beliefs the way I want to any more!"  Bryan Fischer calls the non-religious "the American Taliban".

At the same time, these same believers will commit atrocities, big and small, in the name of their god.  They protest billboards by non-believers while cheering those of their chosen faith.  Some commit crimes of damaging property of another's church.  Even burning them down.  Their very vocal broadcasting personalities fan the flames quite energetically for ratings while causing many of these crimes themselves.

And, worse yet, history is replete with crimes against humanity in the name of a god.  Bigots are everywhere, to the detriment of the human race.

Everyone should understand that religious liberty is a double edged sword.  Every liberty you demand must, by default, be given to another.  If someone demands respect for their belief then it must be offered, although begrudgingly, to everyone.

That doesn't mean we mustn't try to convince them they're wrong; but, we must never try to damage or destroy things or psyches.  Gentleness and honest questions are always recommended if you enter into a debate with someone.

Some people fail to understand the meaning of "Religious Liberty".  Your freedom is not in jeopardy just because you don't get to be a bigot.

Walk the Path in Grace

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