Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prove This!

Prove This!

Logic is rare from our fundie friends. They approach the world from a singular point of view and it colors everything.  When they're looking down a tunnel and they see a light, it's usually a train coming at them as opposed to just the end of the tunnel.  Our fundie friends usually get run over by the train when their logic fails them.

We are often challenged to prove that a god does NOT exist.  This is a dishonest and immature debating technique that attempts to ask us to prove a negative.  Of course, proving a negative is impossible.

The onus of proof is ALWAYS on the positive side of the argument and we must never fall for this challenge.  Of course, they never stop trying and it gets quite irritating.

I've come up with a response that usually stops these types of challenges.  We can deflate their attempts by saying the following.

Fundie: If you can't prove my god doesn't exist, he/she must be real.

Atheist: I can't prove a negative and this is a dishonest attempt to manipulate the argument.

Fundie: You either believe or you don't.  If you can't prove he/she doesn't exist, why don't you believe?

Atheist: Although I'm 99% sure no god exists, I'm open to proof. What do you offer?

Here's the last bit that throws them:

An atheist is waiting for proof that your god exists.  We don't hate you for believing.  We just don't want you to force your beliefs on us without proof. So it's on you, Mr./Mrs./Ms Fundie!

Walk the Path in Grace

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