Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fairness In Teaching Intelligent Design

“Teach the Controversy” seems to be the catch phrase of the day.  There are those among us who want to have Intelligent Design/Creationism taught in science class along with Evolution.

Despite the preponderance of evidence for Evolution, creationists refuse to recognize it as a reality.  And, even more amazing is the almost absolute lack of evidence to support their claim of Intelligent Design, they demand an equal place in the public school classroom.

Here’s the rub: The First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution sets up a barrier between religion and publicly funded places.  When ever our tax dollars are spent or a publicly owned building is used, there must be absolutely no religious icons or prayers involved.  And, yes, there are plenty of religious mentions in our daily life, such as ‘In God We Trust’ on the money and in our pledge of allegiance to name just two.

So, here’s the suggestion of how to deal with this fairly.  I thank none other than Christopher Hitchens for this idea from a speech in 2007.  Religious representatives are all squawking about fairness and that our children should be able to make an informed choice about this ‘controversy’.

I suggest that the U. S. government will allow Intelligent Design in public schools science classes if churches that receive ANY public moneys will also teach Evolution in their Sunday school classes.

That’s entirely fair, no?
Walk the Path in Grace

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