Sunday, January 20, 2013

Intelligent Design, eh?

If a god exists, and it’s an omniscient being, then he is a piss-poor designer.

Let’s start with the Universe.  It’s so hostile to human life that, as of this writing, there is only one tiny speck where humanity can survive.  The Universe is ‘designed’ in such a way that the lack of breathable air, various kinds of radiation and microgravity will kill us.

A little closer to home.  Our planet circles the Sun in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ that is suitable for human life; but only in certain areas.  We cannot survive at the poles or under water.  We will die if we drink seawater.  The world is full of predators that will dispatch and eat us (admittedly they get fewer as time goes on).

There are many animals that share our world that don’t make sense.  Why would a god invent the platypus or the mosquito?  Who, in their right mind, would see the need for poisonous snakes and spiders?

Socially, we humans seem to want to go extinct.  We keep killing each other with wars and hatred.  Religion causes more pain than it helps.  Our species may be a bridge species to the one that will finally dominate the planet, who knows?

Our bodies are a mess of poor ‘design’.  If God designed me, he has a bad back.  I won’t go into the oft repeated list of physical design flaws; but as I age that list grows.  Vestigial organs exist in many species on the planet.

On to the microscopic world.  Why would a god create viruses and bacteria that kill its host.  Makes no sense to destroy the house you live in.  This includes humanity as a virus that could destroy its own host, too.

Sure you might bring up the words of the Bible where it says we created this world by disobeying a god.  I don’t know about you; but I didn’t disobey this god and why I should be blessed with the blame for it beats me!

Intelligent design indeed!

Walk the Path in Grace

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