Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why do we say, "I've lost my faith."?  We don't say, "I've lost my addiction to cigarettes." or, "I've lost my dependency on pain killers."

Yes, we lose something when faith is gone.  But, losing faith means something more. Sometimes it's taken away, sometimes it's betrayal that causes it and sometimes it's a rejection of it; but, whatever the cause it's not because it's been lost.  Destroyed, yes. Stolen, yes.  Rejected, certainly.

We lose the unnatural dependency on something imaginary.  We intentionally throw off the bonds of a dogma that is controlling and hurtful.  Our minds are free of the dangerous and damaging environment that keeps us from growing.

There may have been a time when mankind needed to believe but that time has passed away.  But, as religion grew, the conman in us began to see that there was great power and riches in controlling the masses.  Just ask the Pope if he would give up the control of millions of people if he could make the world a better place for it. 

The Dark Ages prove that faith, and the control of it, can hold the human race from improving itself.  The growing atheism movement is the beginning of the end for religion and the churches will not go quietly into the night.

It's a lie when some one says, "We got to the moon by faith."  It's untrue when someone says, "You must have faith to succeed."

Don't let these, so called, believers attempt to say that 'losing your faith' will send you to a punishment from a loving god.  These hypocrites know they don't really believe it and only pretend to because the church has terrorized them all their lives.  Don't allow your fear from previous indoctrination to sway you into a return to the prison that is religion.

Our very future as a species may depend on rejection of  faith and all that it entails.

Walk the Path in Grace






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