Sunday, May 5, 2013

Immaculate Deception

Immaculate Deception

What is an immaculate deception, you ask?

It's a con job that is so well set up that billions believe it without question.  Even when shown the ridiculousness of many of the elements, the believer is not convinced that it's just plain silly.

Only religion can do this.  But, why?

We are born in fear and we live in fear our entire lives.  It starts out with fearing everything.  A two year old might seem fearless but when you consider that they don't want to be in the dark and jump at strange noises, our base fears are there.

Many of us learn to fear one or both our parents as we grow which instills respect/fear of people in authoritative positions.  This indoctrination is built upon when we start learning religion.  Isn't God/Allah the ultimate authoritative being?

This fear is driven so deep into our psyche that most of us just can't get rid of it.

The con of religion can only work if three things happen:

1.  Our unconscious psyche accepts someone in authority as superior.
2.  Our unconscious mind needs something/someone to guide us, however ephemeral.  It give us peace and confidence while allow us to shirk responsibility for our own lives.
3.  Our conscious self willingly give up control of our lives to someone/thing else.  It's the lazy way of getting through life without responsibility.  "God did it." makes us feel better when bad things happen and doesn't allow us full credit when good things happen.

The religious con game has existed since the first god was made up and humans, with all their flaws and greatness, are easily tricked into believing that someone/thing is looking out for us.

"God works in mysterious ways." is the ultimate out for the con man.  He never has to explain when his con is questioned.  He never has to give back the money, time or respect he has stolen from the mark.

Maybe the con is beginning to fail as our knowledge grows.

Walk the Path in Grace

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